Note: If one looks closely in photo gallery of 1966-1967 as well as 1967-1968 such markings are clearly visibleespecially in 1967 on or about mid to late July 1967 when the 567th S&S BN (DS) assumed command of the 228th. We waited around at the Tay Ninh airstrip building (pagodasee photo gallery 1966-167 b) and eventually there was a Caribou, that was going to Saigon. One last add on to my time in Tay Ninh. When we got to the tent it was mostly occupied by a bunch of guys who were TDY from elsewhere, and they were short timers who had been pulling permanent Guard Duty on the 228th assigned area of the perimeter{munitions pads of Class V}. (see Photo section). Soon after leaving Cu Chi the column came to a sudden halt in what seemed like the middle of nowhere. 20 December 1966Captain Kuster departed for Long Binh for a period of 2 to 3 days, leaving standing orders that XO (1st Lt. Paul Walker) was to act in capacity of Acting CO and Company was to continue function in all normal activities). Col. United States Army, CO Tay Ninh) 1st Lt. W.I.Eckhart (L&B Officer Tay Ninh, Cu Chi, Quon Loi) 1st Lt. T.B. The mission of the group was to establish Forward Supply Areas {228th assigned and attached all purpose and specific purpose personnel} for the purpose of providing logistical support to all units involved in the operation.. Not bad in and of itself, but our quarters were adjacent and across the road from the POL (Petroleum, Oil and Lubricants) yard, and worse still, adjacent to the many very full fuel bladders. Disclaimer: This site is purely for hobby-research purposes only. This speculation can be somewhat bolstered by the fact, that at one point in time Orders were generated by the 266th to the 228th re-assigning all Laundry and Bath personnel TDY in Cu Chi, as re-assigned to 61st Maintenance being formed in Long Binh in late 1966. Note: The Class I supply point (see photo section a of early Tay Ninh) was one of the most critical alongside POL (Class III) and other Classes of supply within a Direct Support supply and service unit. Ted went his way and I went mine. I was really short now (just like Gamble and the original 228th guys in mid May of 1967). Basically, we would prepare for Guard Mount after dinner, get inspected, be trucked to our assigned area, perform the duty and return around 0630 AM for breakfast. For a guy who grew up in a small southwestern desert town of Tucson Arizona, and being grouped with just about every social class we have in this country, it was one eye opening event of a lifetime. Kuster) had the title by such orders to exercise all command decisions related to Direct Supply and Support activity within Tay Ninh Base Camp and its surrounding areas of operations. Those of us who had been in Tay Ninh for 5 months were used to such fire when and if it occurred. Ozawa in the morning formation is where he told us (the company) that we werent going to run him off like the other guy. 3 Batteries (4 150mm sFH & 2 LMGs ea) 2nd Artillery Observation Battalion . On the other hand, once George was officially assigned into the 228th, its possible that no one bothered, or worried about where an individual was issued his weapon, the key thing being, that the individual had one. On the other hand, the Website of the 196th never mentions the 25th ID, but does mention an association with the 1st Infantry Division after 1966/67. Addendum:Per 19 June 1967 issue under Awards and Decorations by 25th ID in Tropic Lightning News: Bronze Star; Major Jerry E. Ward HHC 266th S&S BN. Note:All units assigned within thearmed forces of the United States of America (Army, Air Force, Marines, Navy), and in particular those of the armed forces serving in Republic of Vietnam were served the same menus on any given day where possible. Method of operations and site planning were discussed. The Battalion commanded by then Lt. Col. Fred C. Sheffey was composed of HHC (Headquarters and Headquarters Company (Direct Support), with Company A and Company B respectively. OK, the 228th Roster was changed to reflect said orders. Per table of organization a reduced strength company of 233 was allocated 57 personnel to its Laundry section and Bath section of the Platoon. But, neither Ted Fife or I recall those details. It was not. Arriving at the beach-head, the LCM doors dropped and the unit walked ashore. They always had a great smile and upbeat attitude. Note: InTay Ninhthe 228th had a storage capacity of well over 425,000 gallons which the 228th owned and operated.ABN. In effect, this entire Website is dedicated to describing the mission and operations of a Forward Direct Support Company as a subordinate entity of a rearward Direct Support Battalion (266th Supply and Service Battalion Direct Support), its superior rearward 29th General Support Group, its superior rearward United States Army Support Command, Saigon, its superior rearward 1st Logistics Command and its superior; United States Army Republic of Vietnam, Pacific. I was blessed with a cadre of competent officers and enlisted soldiers whose complete dedication to Duty, Honor, and Country could only be termed as remarkable and magnificent. As such the water exited with a shower head effect, rather than a solid 5 stream of water hitting you with force. Tropic Lightning News dated 27 February 1967, Page 6, Entitled 196th Log Base Supplies, The Tay Ninh Supply Point, a massive logistical base, sprawls across 176.5 acres within the 196th Lt. Inf. In Cu Chi, the Platoon supported the 25th ID Field Hospital, by providing Laundry services for the consistent and constant flow of hospital clothing and material (bedsheets, pillow cases, etc!) In their minds, they didnt have to answer to me, so I found an abandoned bunker and moved in. I also knew that these guys in body bags on the ground were going to be processed by the 228th GR (Graves Registration) section who I talked about earlier. Ken was a very mature young man who ran the GR unit with the skills of an SFC-E7 (the 228th being quite understrength at the time, with many sections of the entire unit being run and operated by enlisted personnel of much lower rank than the TO&E specified or called for). Last, and during the review process, I would suspect that the review board became so confused with the 266th product of constant changes in orders, and shifting of personnel, that they became hopelessly lost, and therefore decided it was easiest to simply state that the MUC was awarded the 228th Bakery Sectionwhose paper trail was easily discerned. Jerry D. White AB Ranger from 483rd Field Service Company (GS), 7 January 1967 by field phone Capt. The dry goods were offloaded next to the trucks, and later in the afternoon be moved them to their storage location, or to the dry issue line. (see TO&E discussion in Miscellaneous Data). The bus was somewhat intimidating with wire screen on the windows. On the same date the 228th Supply and Service Company (DS) was activated. For that too, I am most grateful and genuinely thankful., Then 1st Lt. Tommy D. Bourlier, United States Army; Col. ; more than 6 months, but less than exactly 12 monthsthe range and actual cutoff time an unknown. During one of these continuous downpours lasting day and night, it was most pleasant change of pace to hear music emanating from the companies former record player some 20 feet away within the Battalion Commanders quarters as nurses and other Battalion senior personnel were at times entertained. Each item issued in whatever amount was based on a number per 100 individuals. After the conclusion of Operation Junction City and with April and May of 1967 approaching, there was a brief two to three months of respite in Tay Ninh Base Camp. Arrangements were made for personnel to visit other quarry operations in Vietnam to work with crusher personnel and to train in rock drilling and explosive placement. At the same time Artillary fire set up some 100 feet across the road from the 228th kept up a continuous barrage of 105 Howitzer and 175 fire (night and day) into the outer perimeter of the Base Camp towards Cambodia). (. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Approximately 2/3 of our II and IV supplies have been relocated to provide for engineer effort to improve site conditions. The report fails to recognize, that inTay Ninhan average of well over 50 short tons and upwards of 90 short tons of Class II & IV product were being handled. Big mistake! The228th S&S Co (DS)which operates theTay NinhForward Supply Point suffered 1 KIA and 14 WIA., Note: There were two other seriously wounded, evacuated and subsequently returned to CONUS.ABN, 2) On 1 December 1966 the 29th Group was attached to the 15th Support Brigade. With him were a bevy of beauties including Chris Noel whom I believe was a Playboy Playmate. Instead, the Bakery Section was allocated to (as best that can recalled) to Battalion HHC of the 266th. Christmas had arrived and personnel celebrated same with another specialized meal, which in effect was a duplicate of Thanksgiving Menu. Yet, I knew deep down within my heart and soul, that I was helpless in changing or reversing that which had occurred. Without flaw the personnel of the 228th provided this operation (Operation Attleboro) and all units housed in and around Tay Ninh with all manner of food, clothing, petroleum (aviation and motor), ammunition, potable water, Class II & IV materials, laundry, bath services, and graves registration services. Snelly was a Minnisota farm boy who was not the biggest guy in the world, but he was one of the strongest guys Id ever met in my life. The 76A 76Z PMOS designation began with general supply, with chemical, ordnance, quartermaster, signal, transportation, medical, ammunition, procurement, weapons, aircraft, communications, electronics, material storage, petroleum, subsistence and other specific specialty areas related to a quartermaster activity. ?67 was SFC Leo Conway. Electronic Goods were available in limited quantity, as were other items such as SLR Cameras and so on. The ride was rough in the back of a 5 ton, but the excitement of being out on the road took my mind off any discomfort. Unless specific conditions dictate otherwise, the support brigade HQ are specified organizations to which the forecasts are transmitted., Direct support units in the army service area are replenished by shipments from the quartermaster petroleum product battalions in the rear support brigade or area., The Class III supply point, like other elements of the supply and service company, should be located as close to supported units as tactical situation, dispersion factors, and other considerations permit. 228 Field Artillery Battalion (155 mm), Medical Detachm. Switchboard operators worked under a call priority system that they (and we) had to follow in which to allow high priority calls as opposed to routine calls to be placed. Class III needs were not only met, but expanded by higher authority, as were Class I, Class II&IV. 20th Indian Division: Major General D.D. That was an important lesson for me. (1) The RAR did not begin significant efforts to control Route 15 until July 1966. There are a good number of anomalies which could be discussed, but in the main, the data is reliable. #NeverForget SSG Esau G. Patterson Jr.,25, of Ridgeland, S.C.; assigned to 4th Battalion, 27th Field Artillery Regiment, 1st Armored Division, Baumholder, Germany; one of eight soldiers killed 29Apr04 by a car bomb as his unit was doing a dismounted IED-sweep in Baghdad. So Ted and I looking like a couple of sad sacks are standing on the runway waiting for a Northwest Orient 707 to arrive. The laundry sections may operate separately when administration, mess, and operating supplies are provided. All Rights Reserved. Like, lets get this ___ thing rolling and get the H out of here. Thus, on 7 October at 0500 hours 85 personnel of the 228th S&S Co (DS) and their equipment led by 1st Lt. Ralph R. Meshon (Acting CO) left Bien Hoa airfield as a portion of a larger convoy to Tay Ninh Provincestop over for 45 minutes in Cu Chi and arriving at Tay Ninh Base Camp on or about mid afternoon of 7 October 1966. We handle all classes of supplies. Note:This award does appear on DD214 of individuals serving in Cu Chi with the 25th ID. whenever requested. Note: The actual T0&E of a reduced strength Supply and Service Company (DS)5 Officers, 228 enlisted for a total of 233 was designed to support 16,000 rather than the 15,000 stated by Major Ward. Bernard A. Kuster Colonel, Quartermaster Corps United States Army (Retired) dated: 14 March 2010, ADDENDUM OPERATION ATTLEBORO SURPRISE. Shortly thereafter in the Operation long convoy lines of fuel tankers and trucks hauling food, munitions and other supplies were arriving on a daily basis. Fidel V. Ramos also served a total of 37 years in the Philippine Army. Jerry D. White of Homestead, Fla. is the basic unit. From Clark, we were flown to Bien Hoa AFB in mid February 1967. At the time, and throughout 1966 Route 15 was not routinely open for travel. Second, and prior to Lt. Bourliers arrival at the 228th (during operation Attleboro) there was a call for volunteers to help offload incoming choppers carrying numerous remains from the battlefield. Seventh: It is believed the elements of belonging to the 226th Supply and Service Battalion, in actuality (it being a possible typo error within the article) refers to a few enlisted personnel from the 266th Supply and Service Battalion Last: Captain Jerry D. White although in Company for some 3 plus weeks when interview took place, is given credit along with Major Ward for all that had been accomplished by the 228th and attached personnel since October of 1966.whereby the impression is given, that until he; Major Ward had arrived and the 196th had opened its perimeter to he and his command in late November (1966) along with Capt. Note:Photos submitted by George are posted in 1967-1968 Gallery, as photos taken begin in July 1967. The hard part, after breakfast was trying to get to sleep, when by 0730 AM it was hotter than hell {95 to 100 degrees}. I have only the deepest admiration and greatest respect for those heroes of the 228th Supply and Service Company (Direct Support) with whom I had the honor and great privilege to command and serve with. Up to that time (February mid December 1967) we had to clean our own quarters, shine our own boots and so on. The bad news was, that it was a very rough ride, as I was riding atop a 5 Ton flatbed while sitting on top of a Conex container where I bounced around all over the place. 15 November 1966the 228th provided hot meals in the partially constructed wooden Mess Hall to 196th Light Infantry Brigade beginning with the 175th Engineers, a part of the 196th.
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228th field artillery battalion 2023