Then, with the presidential election of 1876, Reconstruction was dealt a death blow. Slavery had been around for over two hundred years' Reconstruction was a job that would ta-ke the full attention of the nation for genlrations. What animal is he compared to? Read the directions aloud' The purpose is to get students engaged, talking, and wanting to do the Mini-Q' Step Two: Background Essay Refer to the Step Two teacher notes in the Mini-Q. Story: Consider reading the Background Essay aloud. Southern states began to elect governments dedicated to whites-only rule. Harpels WeeklY, September 2,1876 overview: The twelve years after the Civil war proved to be a difficurt time for America. The only way that Reconstruction was going to succeed was il Northerners wanted it to do so. In the year 1820, the new country of the United States and the newer country of Mexico had a lot. J The Shawshank Redemption Storyline In The Shawshank Redemption, our main character is Andy Dufresne who has just been wrongfully accused of killing his wife and a golf pro she was having an affair with. incruding whiskey Ring and credit Mobirier (Doc c) Economic problem: panic of 1873 (Doc C) Evidence of loss of conridence in Reconsiruction governments (Doc D articre) Evidence of Northern racism (Cover of Harperb Weekty, Doc D) Argument: Argument is presented in paragraph 4 Paragraph #4 conclusion: (Argument why Nofih or south was more responsibre for kiling Reconstruction) Documents A and B both provide evidence that there were peopre in South who were willing to risk their lives for Reconstruction. lts job is to provide a sense of time, place, story, and introduce important vocabulary and concepts. lt is a direct threat to carpetbaggers and scalawags who sided with the freedmen.. 16 students ordered this very topic and got original papers. There was even talk of a new Civil War. The Civil War had cost 600,000 lives. consular corps association of philadelphia tequileras scarborough maine menu pfizer board of directors political affiliation how many grandchildren did fred astaire . students clarify their thesis and road map. Multiple people have been killed and at least 30 hospitalized after a dangerous dust storm led to a massive pile-up on Interstate 55 south of Springfield, Illinois. 18 Automatic data processing in the registration of museum collections in An example of the problem is seen in a letter written in 1B7o by Albion Tourgee, a white ex-soldier who went South to become a judge in North Carolina and help reconstiuct that state. I m Going To College Activity Book This activity book belongs to: Name of student who is going to college NORTHWEST EDUCATION LOAN ASSOCIATION Adapted from the California Association of Student Financial, No Taxation Without Representation!! Even though the ending of the civil war was promising for African Americans, freedmen, and slave rights, the disputes amongst the North and South sides and the corrupt American government lessened the chances of becoming a unified nation with equal rights . 1876 was an exciting year for America. Give us your email address and well send this sample there. Reconstruction meant building up the South, and helping the ex-slaves by giving them citizenship, the right to vote, and education. John was left with five to six stab wounds, and hung on a hook in the senator's . However, there was also great resistance to change. Article I Legislative Branch 1. 1 The DBQ Project Mini-Qs in American History Voluvn 2, UNlr 1 North or South: Who Killed Reconstruction? Rewrite the question in your own words. North or South: Who killed Reconstruction? North Or South Who Killed Reconstruction Analysis | The 14th Amendment gave blacks American citizenship and civil rights. ls lhls Protecting Life, Liberty, or Property?" W.E.B. Republican Rule in the South, The Civil War and Reconstruction 1860-1868. Dubois 1876 was an exciting year for America. Congress did authorize president Granl to use troops to suppress KKK activities. This letter is suggesting that blacks were not yet ready to rule themselves or others. 1 Tom and Daisy That spring, the sun shone every day. Albion Tourgee, former Union army soldier and Judge during reconstruction, describes the killing in a letter to Republican Senator Joseph Abbott: "He was foully murdered by the Ku-Klux in the Grand Jury room of the Court House on Saturday.He was stabbed five or six times, and then hanged on a hook in the Grand Jury room" (A). north or south: who killed reconstruction hook exercise. Step 10: How to develop and use your testimony to explain the gospel? The Donkey is the symbol of the Democratic party and had been since the Age of Jackson. The Belknap Aflair, also called the lndian Ring, involved Grant's Secretary of War, William Belkiip. Although political violence continued in the South the tide of public opinion in the North began to turn against Reconstruction policies'" Source: Harper's WeeklY, He5E t"falr$s CrJ THr cov ExsE$l srlill gi PNSBTD TO THE pr".io"nt U.S. Grant: "l hope l shall get to the bottom soon"' Document AnalYsis 1. you can't expect to change anti-black and anti-slavery attitudes in just ten years. The Electoral Process STEP BY STEP. One logical casualty of this loss of confidence was Southern Beconstruction Th6 DBO Prol ct, 17 Document C Source: Gerald Danzer et al., Ihe Americans, McDougal Littell, "in the 1870s, Northern voters grew indifferent to events in the South. The 13th Amendment ended slavery. A group known as Radical Republicans worked to help all freedmen gain rights, but white supremacist groups interfered. Under each headline, record whether each group would be Happy, Mixed, or Unhappy about the news. A Military Reconstruction Act was passed to make sure African Americans' new rights were protected. The south did not want blacks to take part in. Source: Albion Tourgee, Letter on Ku Klux Klan Activities. 4. A. 3. Pre-Test Directions: Circle the letter next to the statement that correctly finishes the sentence. Start your day off right, with a Dayspring Coffee PDF North or South - Weebly The cartoon shows, Talia Boyers 1 st Place Essay 2012 Lincoln Essay Competition Tears stream down his face. North or South: Who Killed Reconstruction? north or south: who killed reconstruction hook exercise Harper's WeeklY, September 2,1876 Overview: The twelve years after the Civil War proved to be a difficult time for America. Colby was attacked because he was a leader who threatened white control. Carpetbaggers were recent arrivals from the North, and scalawags were white Southerners who supported Reconstruction' For a while, it seemed that the dream of Reconstruction might come true. Platform C. Compromise D. Third Party 2. Reconstruction also meant making sure that white citizens in the South would not be able to get into power and change back to the old ways. lt was well-known lor its graft and corruption.. Your thesis is always an opinion and answers the Mini-e question. Carpetbaggers were recent arrivals from the North, and scalawags were white Southerners who supported Reconstruction' For a while, it seemed that the dream of Reconstruction might come true. Teacher s Name: Employee Number: School: SS.5.C.3.1 Describe the organizational structure (legislative, executive, judicial branches) and powers of the federal government as defined in Articles I, II. Black churches were founded, public schools were built for black children, and universities like Howard, Fisk, Morehouse, and Hampton were established for black students seeking higher education. They decided to keep a standing, Learning outcomes Students will practice arguing and understanding views which are not necessarily their own Students will gain an understanding of how history can judge events in a different way from, Macbeth Unit Test Study Guide January 17 Exam will be between thirty and forty scan-tron multiple choice (40 points) Characters Be able to identify characters by either quotes or descriptions. He was stabbed five or six times, and then hanged on a hook in the Grand Jury room . Dubois,quote at the top. by Cynthia Sherwood, 4. Readers Theatre Gettysburg and Mr. Lincoln s Speech, The Election of 1860 By Ron Miller - Jewett Academy. United States - Reconstruction and the New South, 1865-1900 who or what caused Reconstruction to end? the worksheet activity to the class. Chapter 10: How Americans Settled the Frontier. Kaleigh Young P2, 11/16/ Reconstruction DBQ. north or south: who killed reconstruction hook exercise. You can t read a sentence or a paragraph without knowing at least the most common. Who Killed Reconstruction: North or South? - A professional writer will make a clear, mistake-free paper for you! Write final bucket labels under each bucket and place the letters of the documents in the buckets where they belong. HOW MANY STARS ARE THERE IN OUR FLAG? How Did The South Kill Reconstruction - 473 Words | Bartleby List words that describe Lennie. 4. Looking Deeper. Many secret societies, specifically the KKK, took particularly ruthless actions in attempts to keep the whites in power and stop whoever, whether that may be voting African Americans or government officials from taking over. There was a bad group in the South called the Ku Klux Klan. The shooter, believed to be 38-year-old Francisco Oropeza, is on the run and a massive police hunt is underway to locate him. But dying or dead, what had gone wrong? Who Killed Reconstruction: North or South? According to Colby, what types of people make up the KKK? A rock was on the sidewalk, which he kicked along the way. reserved. All rights Kent State University. what was the irony of history that occurred in 1976? Some resisted it with violence. A political party supports this during an election: A. Profits were made because labor, Student Worksheet #1 Regional Differences between the North and South at the Time of the Civil War Listed below are human factors and ideas that identified the regions of the North and South during the. 4. NORTH OR SOUTH: WHO KILLED RECONSTRUCTION? The Shawshank Redemption. Thiist"p help. You can also use our tools to come up with interesting topics and points to argue in your Reconstruction started out quite well but it began to weaken in the early 1870s and it was dead by 1877.The question is who or what caused Reconstruction to end? The Klan nearly whipped him to death (boc B). I have a dream Civil Rights Aims Desegregation Voting Rights Civil Rights End to Discrimination Methods Legal, James Shepherd, CEO You can be successful in merchant services. Attempts to rebuild the South ceased to exist in 1877, just over ten years after the Confederacy surrendered to Ulysses S. What they did is hung and beat people who were their targets. That spring, the sun shone every day. Published evidence suggests that trees do not die because of genetically programmed senescence in their meristems, but rather are killed by an external agent or a disturbance event. Conclude by asking volunteer pairs to present the remaining documents to the class by going through the Document Analysis questions and discussing their answers. WHAT ARE THE COLORS OF OUR FLAG? In any democracy, the common people have power. You may want students to use the Outlinl Guide Sheet or the Guided Essay in the Toolkit. The Early Church Peter Preaches After Denying. Blacks had been in slavery so long they had not yet had the time to learn the skills of citizenship and self-rule required lor democracy. Begin to, To make this website work, we log user data and share it with processors. In the South, the ku klux klan were openly killing and intimidating people who supported abolitionists or were anti-slavery. He. lf violence like this existed in a large way in the South (and it did), the only way that Reconstruction could succeed was for the US Government to send soldiers to keep the peace. Southern states began to elect governments dedicated to whites-only rule. Why Both North Or South: Who Killed Reconstruction? | Bartleby In the image above, what group or groups is the KKK threatening? Reasons to Blame the North (Northern Negtect) Reasons to Blame the South (Southern Resistance) 10 O 2013 The DBQ Project, 11 Understanding the Question and Pre-Bucketing 1. According to Colby, what types of people make up the KKK? The Republican governments are seen as illegitimate because they are supported by blacks (former slaves) and Northerners (carpetbaggers). In the background of the image, other white men are shown not only allowing this foul treatment to proceed but are in agreeance as well, (Document B). The white terrorists also attacked free black people. The Boston Evening Transcript's letter argued that blacks are not fit to be in political authority and just needed a period long enough to forget about the slavery conditions and to rise as a generation . It seemed the United States was creating enough opportunity that all Americans could pursue their hopes for happiness just as Thomas Jefferson had envisioned 100 years earlier. The South killed Reconstruction because of their lack of interest in equal rights, their violence towards the North and blacks, and the North's growing absence of sympathy towards blacks. Colby's testimony was part of an effort to expose the cruel and illegal nature ol the Klan's activilies. The North wanted to integrate blacks into society as quickly as possible. The roadmap is created from your bucket labels and lists the topic areas you will examine in order to prove your 2013 The DBQ Proiect This page may be reproduced for classroom use 21, 22 Reconstruction Mini-O Step Six: From Thesis to Essay Writing Mini-Q Essay Outline Guide Working Title North or South: Who Killed Reconstruction? The 14th Amendment gave blacks American citizenship and civil rights. Level: Pre-intermediate + Age group: Teens/young, Afrikan Black Coalition: Prison Divest! Often, charismatic individuals gain power and influence others. 4. He also helped start a school for black students, now known as Bennett College. What were their political parties? Explain the phrases "weary of the 'Negro Question"' and "'sick of carpet-bag' government'" 2. The L3th Amendment ended slavery. Democrats, seeing a chance to get rid o, Grant, nominated Greeley tor president _ which is ironic since Greeley once called the Democrats in the South "murderersdrunkards, cowards, liars, thieves." Describe the setting of chapter one. Great Britain was the greatest, most powerful nation on earth, and the American colonists. 500,000 Af rican-american votes in the South were the difference.. Harper's Weekly was a very influential Northern magazine. 2021 - Big database of free essay examples for students at all levels. Finally, the 15th Amendment was ratified making it illegal to deny someone the right to vote based on race. . But you can one from professional essay writers. It was a sad time but it was a hopelul time. Content Vocabulary, Cont. Although Southern resistance was an important contributor, Northern neglect deserves most of the blame. The most likely student responses to the headlines are as follows: Headline A: "Federal Troops Sent South to Enforce Reconstruction" F: CB: S: RR: KKK: H H H H Headline C: "Financial Panic of Fear Loss of 3 Million Jobs" F: CB: S: RR: KKK: U U M Headline B: "Hiram Revels Elected Senator From Mississippi in 1870 First Black Man to Enter Congress" - F: CB: S: M RR: H KKK: U Headline D: "Rutherford B. Hayes Elected President in 1876 Agrees to Remove Federal - Soldiers from Louisiana and South Carolina"" F: U CB: U S: RR: U KKK: H 2013 Tho DBQ Projsct, 5 Hook Exercise: Reconstruction Directions: Below are several groups that played a key role in the Reconstruction period' With a partner, read the descriptions of each group, and then read the headlines at the bottom of the page. north or south: who killed reconstruction hook exercise. Abraham Lincoln was a Republican who wanted to abolish slavery. With the South's economy and pride shattered into pieces and the freedom of former slaves at stake, it was the responsibility of the North to lead the Reconstruction, an era that would help rebuild America's economy and install equal civil rights for all citizens . I say to you plainly that any member of Congress who, especially from the South, does not support, advocate, and urge immediate active and thorough measures to put an end to these outrages is a coward, a traitor, or a fool' Source: I ndependent Monitor, September 1, Alabama Department of Archives and History, Montgomery Alabama. we believe it is good for many students, even good readers, to hear the words as they see them. 2013 The DBQ Projeci This page may be reproduced for classroom use, SAC Lesson Plan Central Historical Question: Were African Americans free during? However, there was also great resistance to change. How successful was the Civil Rights campaign in achieving its aims between 1950 and 1965? Why would the KKK attack these people? Be prepared to explain your answers. The second purpose is to begin thinking about Reconstruction from different eyes. Place: Review the inset map showing the five military districts which Congress established in District 1, Virginia; District 2, North and South Carolina; District 3, Alabama, Georgia, and Florida; District 4, Mississippi and Arkansas; District S, Louisiana and Texas. Although both the North and the South played a role . 3. Review the Timeline on the Background Essay euestions page and the map showing military districts.. Pre-teach the bold-faced vocabulary.. Have students read, or read aloud to them, the Background Essay.. Have students answer the Background Essay questions on the next page.
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north or south: who killed reconstruction hook exercise 2023