Guru and Rahu can give a way for promotion in job. Inspiration can strike an Ardra native like a flash of lightning. If you are having serious Rahu-Ketu Dosha, you must feed roti with oil to the dog. Finally, the Skull represents the raw destructive powers of Ardra Nakshatra. My DOB is 10/03/1960 and time is 7:45pm Place Kolkata , please tell me how will my health be this year and years to come? Dogs Give You Astrological Benefits. Eye disorders can be a cause of suffering. Digital Marketing does suit her, she can pursue her career in Digital Marketing. Never do diary business and buy sweets for young kids(female). Ketu is a karaka or indicator of intelligence, wisdom, non-attachment, fantasy, penetrating insight, derangement, and psychic abilities. By feeding Black Dogs, one gets relief from the negative effects of planet Saturn and Rahu. By feeding Roti or bread to Dogs or Black Dogs, it is said that if there are people who are always criticizing a person, making trouble, and unnecessary quarrels, then these people will stop troubling the person who regularly feeds Roti and Bread to Black dogs. I Miss home very much. Sneezing while going to work would give bad results. For planet Ketu, Astrology advises keeping a pet dog, rabbit or a cow. He is an Expert Astrologer on Many Indian & Foreign Websites like and a frequent writer for many national and international websites and magazines. The husband is also very loyal and can have a love for dogs or wolves. Sudden illness and weight loss possible. These individuals will have challenges communicating their ideas: Saturn suppresses communication here. Cant go home right now. 6. It is believed that offering chapattis to black dogs on Saturday ends the problems of Ketu. However, it is also important to take proper care of them. Ensure that the stone you choose is of more than 6 carats in weight, unblemished, lustrous and transparent. Remedies are some of the most amazing ways to enhance your luck on this planet. They do not necessarily have to be in transformations to shed a tear their eyes can well up over joyful events. Sudden devaluation Fear of snake or frequent appearance of reptiles in dreams are possible. Feed monkeys when possible and never kill snakes or any reptiles. Therefore, professions include All Destroy and Building Careers: Building Demolition, Renovating Old Home, Fixing Broken Down Cars, Fixing Broken Items Around the Home. Venus is the karaka for marriage in male and female charts: Therefore, Venus in Ardra Nakshatra individuals go through many transformations, changes, and turbulence in marriage and personal relationships. Feed a dog; also feed Brahmins rice cooked with cereals. Ketu represents the opposite node of Ketu, in the tail of the serpent. Also, the energy of Rahu is unpredictable and explosive. We all sometimes feed food or bread to stray dogs just for the sake of feeding and it does feel good too. This is especially true if Mars is placed in the 3rd House (Younger siblings) or 11th House of Eldest siblings. I hope you enjoyed reading this article, please share this article with your friends and family and share the love and happiness that you get from dogs. There is no doubt, by keeping a dog in your house, it can fill your home with love and happiness. The meaning of the name is in alignment with the nature of Ardra nakshatra. Some of you will spend life in desert or draught effected areas. Gomedh is the stone that can reduce the negative impact of Rahu. thankyou It is said that if you keep a dog in your house, you are less likely to get sick because of a disease. Out of nowhere, like a flash of lightning, they can be hit with a brilliant idea. Lack of faith in religion will make them rebels in the society. They can have ups and downs in their career. Hair from eye brows and eye lashes will fall frequently. To cope with their situation, they may shed a tear which helps them cleanse their soul. Rohini zodiac range is from 10o 00 Taurus to 23o 20, Mrigashira Nakshatra Mrigashira Nakshatra is the fifth nakshatra and follows Rohini Nakshatra. Donate cow ghee to any temple and also use it at home. I want to go to teaching line by profession Now family atmosphere is not well My mother is very worried about me & my 2 sisters.. Dogs are some of the most amazing animals in the planet. Dainik Panchang, Shubh Muhurat, Indian Festival & Indian Astrology Information Guide. Rahu in the 7th House impacts love and family relationships, especially the marriage bond. They will be protected from accidents in their life. It is said that a dog can change the fate of a person, it can make his life shine in matters that the owner would have never imagined. Mercury is the ruler of the original 3rd house which represents the hands and shoulder and Ardra relates to transformations. Want to know is it right to get marry?? It is said that feeding Sweet Roti or Bread to Black Dogs pleases God Kaal Bhairav. Because of this, they can feel both mentally and emotionally isolated. Mars is the karaka of siblings: Mars in Ardra individuals go through many transformations with siblings. A Venus in Ardra person can work hard at a project only to destroy it and rebuild it even stronger and better. When they fight with siblings it can be a massive blowup and with hail storms and fire. Try to buy an elephants tusk and store it in your bedroom. In your horoscope Rahu is exalted in the 12th house and presently in your 2nd house of finance bringing financial stress. Will be interested in pornography more than real sexual activity and cause pain to their partners. Dogs are also spiritual animals and of course, we know that a Dog is a mans best friend, but did you know how bringing dogs into your house can literally remove all the negativity from your home. Because of this, the husband is a strong person. Because of this Ardra native can be very successful and accomplished in life. Built with, Vedic Astrology Remedies to Overcome Depression and Anxiety, Importance and Benefits of wearing Nine Mukhi rudraksha, Moon in All 12 Houses for Gemini Ascendants, Effects of Moon in the 9th House: Vedic Astrology, Effects of Moon in the 8th House: Vedic Astrology, Effects of Moon in the 7th House: Vedic Astrology, Effects of Moon in the 6th House: Vedic Astrology, Effects of Moon in the 5th House: Vedic Astrology, Karak Yoga In Your Birth Chart: Having These Yogas Can Take A Person to Great Success. They can synthesize ideas and their life experiences and come to a rational conclusion to make sense of their struggles. Your house will look much older than its actual age. Rahu : If Rahu is malefic, Pet dog will die. If someone is facing untimely financial troubles or lack of money in business or unwanted expenses, then such people should keep dogs in their house. Feed black color cow when possible. Unsual trends in sexual activities will be followed secretly. My date of birth is 12/08/1993 time 9:50 am. The native will be intelligent and victorious. Lord Venus: Venus is the reasons for Such a person can face a lot of unnecessary troubles and hardships in life. These little companions of sky or earth start chirping or barking that it seems that they are calling to feed them as scheduled. Will become more pessimistic and also cause indifferences and insults with maids. Remedies for Rahu : Always wear a cap or turban(preferably dark blue color). In addition, one should also give water to cows on Mondays. This warrior characteristic is reflected in Ardra natives. You will be shocked that there are so many people who have had their fate and fortune shine, due to a dog. They do almost everything intensively. Teeth related problems will trouble frequently. The importance of Rahu is associated with sudden gains. Nevertheless, children can have temper tantrums when they do not get what they want. As an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases., Copyright 2023 Ancient Astrology Talks. I am very far from my family in the United States. Exaltation and Debilitation: This has been a debatable point in astrology, as per BPHS Ketu is exalted in the sign of Scorpio and debilitated in Taurus, however, many astrologers have disputed this and most modern astrologers now seem to agree that Ketu is exalted in Sagittarius and debilitated in Gemini[citation needed]. This is because Rahu is about the explosion and this nakshatra is related to changes. However, when the husband gets angry, he can howl and screams. Tuesday is the day when the energy quotient of Mars is very high and to gain the blessings of the planet Mars you can feed the birds with millet and water. Especially, Evil Spirits cannot enter the house where Black Dogs are kept as pets because the energies of Black Dogs are so positive that, any form of negative energy gets converted into positive energy. 8:42pm On the other hand, Moon is related to liquids and Ardra represents storms. Stay away from flirting with opposite sex and adultery. To gain the blessings of a calm and composed Moon, one should feed flour balls to a white cow or a fish. Ardra Nakshatra is represented by a red star in the constellation of Orion (Warrior). People, at times, do end up associating rats as the bringers of ill-health. Wear more dark green color clothes. This is the reason why many people experience sudden changes in their life, mostly positive changes that happen when they bring a pet dog into their home. Although Rahu & Ketu is not physical planet, they are purely shadowy planet and also known as Dragon head & Dragon tail as per Western Astrology. Heres What to Do Next, Why does my dog keep licking his paws and legs? The main symbols Teardrop, Raindrop Diamond, and Skull also influence the nature of this nakshatra. Rai Saheb Rekhchand Mohota Spinning & Weaving Mills, Ltd. She can also learn computer graphics and animation. Most people consider it a difficult planet as it brings lot of troubles on the material plane. Because of this artistic and creative projects can go through many processes and transformations. Supervisors and bosses can howl and scream if these individuals make mistakes on the job. However, transformations will linger in her heart. I am looking for a job. Having a pet also is a great astrological remedy as well brings a fun aspect in your life. An Ardra native can be the hopeless romantic type. Note: The COVID-19 pandemic happen when the world was also in Kaal Sarp Dosh!. The problem will continue. Time 11 pm. When mercury or Mars is in 12th house Rahu gives bad result. Put these three articles or one of the articles in a copper vessel and drop it in flowing water on a Sunday. Also read, Darakaraka Ardra in this article for more information. Try to visit holy places freququently. Really thankful to you for quick reply.. Sexual strength will also be reduced. I am going through Rahu Mahadasha and suffer from extreme Stress. It is simply up to the individual to jump into the ocean and extract the pearls. The dog is the vahana or mount of the Hindu god Bhairava. Which is the reason why, when all the planets are under Rahu, and Ketu, Kaal Sarp Dosh is formed as now they are under the bad influence of Rahu and Ketu. In Hindu mythology, Lord Yamram, the god of death, owns two watchdogs who have four eyes. Sir The Moon is a very sensitive planet and to strengthen your stability of mind and emotions you should make efforts to give a boost to the placement of the Moon in your horoscope by feeding birds and animals. He is an expert in Marriage and Love Relationship. Ardra zodiac range is from 6o 40 Gemini to 20o 00 Gemini. Its colours are black and white. There will be progress in business with the support of Guru and Rahu. You may have heard several stories where people tell that after keeping a dog in their home, their life has changed, finance has improved and home environment has suddenly changed and become healthier and better. WebWear mostly whites and yellows. Always keep a silver piece(square shaped) in your wallet. Regards. These individuals have very loyal and devoted hearts. Throw yellow colored lemons in river. Or sometimes, losing an opportunity in life. Jyotisha is Hindu astrology, which entails concept of Nakshatra (see also List of Natchathara temples), Navagraha (see also List of Navagraha temples and Saptarishi included in the list of Hindu deities whose dedicated temples are found at various Hindu pilgrimage sites to which Hindus take pilgrimage yatra. When a Jupiter in Ardra Nakshatra person goes through a transformation the native gains wisdom and knowledge from the experience. It creates chaos, confusion, and a dilemma in your mind. Ketu signifies the spiritual process of the refinement of materialisation to the spirit and is considered both malefic and benefic, as it causes sorrow and loss, and yet at the same time turns the individual to God. Mars will give her energy to work hard. Simple and Effective Tips, Why does my dog look around the room? Friends, you can go to the internet and check the stories of people for whom a dog has been a life-changing event for them. Always try to meditate for few minutes everyday and never spend time alone. Feed milk to pets regularly. That is to say, they are good with technology and engineering subjects. Find out what kind of pets you should have. However, once they have hit the target people will admire their achievement like a shining diamond. Rahu personified - Dont Know exactly what you want. All nature lovers have the habit of getting up early in the morning which allows them to enjoy the chirping of birds. Donate milk and rice to any temple. Dogs are especially mentioned in the Mahabharata, especially Black Dogs holds a very big importance. They can be walking the dog, grocery shopping, exercising, doing laundry, or relaxing around their home and then be hit with a million-dollar idea. The native suffers from various ailments or loss of wealth. Once they let go of an unfavorable situation, they can experience a bright new day (return of the light). By feeding Black Dogs, Roti, especially Roti, spread with Ghee, one can lower down the negative effects of Saturn. Keeping a black dog is the easiest way to please Shani Dev and remove Rahu-Ketu Grah Dosh from your Kundli. Always keep a silver pot filled with honey in your kitchen. Ketu rules the Scorpio zodiac sign together with Mangala (traditional ruling planet). It is time to get married when you get a good proposal whose horoscope matches with that of yours. Ardra Nakshatra ruling planet/lord is Rahu. As Dogs are able to absorb negative energy and convert into positive energy. Your wishes and desires seem to be fulfilled if you feed ants, fodder or green grass to buffaloes. WebRahu is a demon in the series. 11th house: Wear an onyx or emerald. That is to say, once an Ardra person has their eyes set on a target (goal) they shoot for it. Rahu can remove all negative qualities of every planet while Ketu can emphasise every positive quality of the planet. Ardra natives can shed a tear when reading romantic novels, watching love stories, even heartfelt love letters bring a tear to their eyes. Will have more rats in kitchen and store room. Will lose peace of mind and have sleepless nights. Natives can have problems with receiving credit or recognition from authority figures on the job. Flow out 6 to 7 dry coconuts in the river. According to Vedic Astrology, it is said that feeding bread or Roti to any Black Dog helps in removing Graha Doshas in our Janam Kundli or Birth Chart or in life in general. WebWhen you Personify Rahu and Ketu they are quite close to comparing dogs and Cats. In Marriage Matching he does analysis of Guna Milan and also Grah Milan (Matching of the Planets) and will tell you effects and remedies of Nadi Dosha, Bhakoot Dosha & Gana Dosha if present. Heres What to Expect. If badly afflicted or retrograde will cause lack of faith in religion. As we know, Shani Dev is the deity or God of the planet Saturn. The influence of this phase can be positive or negative depending upon its placement and the sign in which it is posited. Frequent viral infections are possible for few. We would not like you to confuse this sign with your Sun Sign. Moon in Ardra Nakshatra people have a mind detached from reality. In a popular story, King Yudhishthira had approached heaven with his dog who was the god Yama himself, therefore among many Hindus, the common belief exists that caring for or adopting dogs can also pave the way to heaven. During this phase, a state of confusion and indecision prevails, misunderstandings and disputes develop, ill health, bad luck and hardships start at the beginning of the dasha and stay for the duration of this period. Mars is in an enemy sign in Gemini (Ardra zodiac range), so there can be issues with 3rd house significations. Ketu : If ketu is malefic, children will cause problems. Powered By, Remedies for Rahu Mahadasha as Per Vedic Astrology, Your Lucky Gemstones according to Numerology, Katyayani Puja for Marriage When Guna Milan is Less. Rahu on the other hand can create permanent obstacles and problems. astrology. Fear of snake or frequent appearance of reptiles in dreams are possible. It is very important not to keep birds in a cage and the positive results of these remedies will be noticed if they are performed on Wednesday. They are said to watch over the gates of Naraka. The mantra is: Om Bhram Bhreem Bhroum Sah Rahave Namah. Alternate method is to keep a crystal below your pillow while sleeping and switch off television, mobile phone and computer atleast one hour before sleep. The main reason is because by keeping a dog in your house, it is said that one gets the full blessings of Goddess Laxmi and she comes into your home. Cattle will die if you are in dairy business. However, because they have been through so much change, it helps them grow into good people. We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites. Foot nails will break or become weak. Its movement in any sign of the zodiac could be very beneficial to the locals. Take blessings of your parents before starting any new work and donate turmeric to any temple, 8 days in a row. I am married. Also, the ruling planet Rahu relates to electricians and technology. They also howl and scream when irritated. Feeding cooked and salted gram flour to the crows will give quick and beneficial results. At the start of the Rahu Mahadasha, take wood coal that equals your body weight and put it in flowing water on a Saturday or on a Wednesday. Feeding birds and animals is beneficial for each planet in astrology as it affects planetary motions and brings positive changes in one's life. Friends Planets: Ketu is a friend of Mercury, Venus, and Saturn. A Sun in Ardra person will work harder than anyone else on the job to get their diamond (reward or a compliment). If you are facing viral infections, weak kidney and knee pains, dip a heated golden string in hot milk for few minutes and then drink that milk when it is luke warm. Keep black dog. The wife is also very loyal and can have a love for dogs or wolves. On Saturdays, one should feed oiled or buttered chapattis to black cows and black dogs which is very auspicious and Lord Saturn will bless them immensely. They can have sudden bursts of anger. They bring positive energy to your house and one of the Vedic Astrological benefits of keeping Dogs is that, it makes your planet Ketu stronger and calmer. Help your siblings and cousins whenever possible. The fact that dogs coming into your life, means that they are bringing happiness and joys into your life as in the previous life they could not bring or share happiness with you due to several reasons. Gift anything made of copper to lover. Ruler of Ketu: According to the most popular astrology text Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra, (BPHS) Ketu is related to Matsya. On the other hand, out of nowhere, these people can have bursts of energy. Sure you have heard that a dog is mans best friend. On the other hand, they have a love for traveling, especially to places where there are natural phenomena. This is why, keeping a dog removes negative energy and bad energies from your home. Therefore, Mercury in Ardra people can have a scar or tattoo on their hand or shoulder. These people have natural intuition on how to manage life changes. The favourable results can be achieved if Rahu is placed in the 3 rd, 6 th, and 11th houses of a birth chart. Feeding them and worshipping them add to good karma. He is known as the ultimate or the supreme. Rahu and Ketu are some of the malefic or bad planets in Vedic Astrology. Astrologer Navneet Khanna, is a former World Bank & SIDA consultant, he has held many prestigious projects in India and Africa before settling down in his native place, near Chandigarh and following his passion in Vedic Astrology. (I understand its free), Good Dates For Financial Investments In Oct 2022, First Outing Of The Baby (Nishkramana Samskara), Mercury Retrogression In Virgo (10 Sep 2 Oct), Rationale behind the Astrological Significance of Feeding Stray Birds and Animals. On the other hand, Children enjoy splashing around in the rain. If someone wants to gain victory in any kind of legal or court case, then he/she should feed roti to black dogs every evening after sunset. WebKetu resides in dogs, so as a remedy people should take care of dogs. This may be because a dog has seen a spirit. Therefore, people with Ardra nakshatra strong in their chart will express the qualities of this nakshatra powerfully. It controls the egoistic side of your attitude and tendencies. Built with, Karak and Akarak planets of Scorpio Ascendant, The 10th House in Astrology | Importance, Significance and Sutras, Effects of Moon in the 9th House: Vedic Astrology, Effects of Moon in the 8th House: Vedic Astrology, Effects of Moon in the 7th House: Vedic Astrology, Effects of Moon in the 6th House: Vedic Astrology, Effects of Moon in the 5th House: Vedic Astrology, Astrological Benefits of Feeding Birds #feedingbirds #astrology #animallover #birdslover #noblecause, Kalanidhi Yoga in Astrology | A Yoga That Bestows Talent & Skill. Ketu (Sanskrit: , IAST: Ket) () is the descending (i.e. As an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases., Copyright 2023 Ancient Astrology Talks. Saturn in Ardra Nakshatra people have to work hard for success. Ketu is the lord of three nakshatras or lunar mansions: Ashvini, Magha and Mula. hello jai shri krishna to oll my DOB is 10/03/1993 birth place is najibabad up timing morning 7:35am i have only one qust. For instance, if they are working on a project on the job an idea can hit them out of thin air without even going through the intellectual process. In fact, a temple of Karni Mata in the interiors of Bikaner, Rajasthan is known to have rats on the premises of the temple. Start chanting the Rahu mantra and the stotra on a Saturday of your choice, after dusk. The Ultimate Guide, What do wolves think about dogs? This is because Ardra is completely in the sign of Gemini which relates to communication. The constellation of Orion is known as the warrior or hunter. Stay away from non-vegetarian food and alcohol. It is believed that offering chapatis to black dogs on Saturday ends the problems of Saturn. According to Vedic Astrology and Vedic scriptures, keeping a black dog in your house is considered to be very auspicious. Further, it is said that a dog is able to absorb all the negative energies from your home. Keep a silver ball in your pocket or handbag and carry it to work. Mars : If mars is malefic or weak, frequent knee pains are possible. If someone is facing troubles and unnecessary quarrels very often, then such people should feed roti to a black dog everyday. It is also said that a person will be able to gain victory over his enemies by feeding Roti or Bread to Black Dogs. 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rahu and dogs 2023